When children engage in play they are developing skills, habits, and attitudes that will stay with them throughout their lives. As they play, they learn to cope with frustration, share with others, and give vocal expression to their thoughts and fantasies. Although play is important for people of all ages, it is especially meaningful and important for young children at our Centennial indoor play center. Play is children’s work, and they put a tremendous amount of energy and effort into it. Just watch for a few minutes as a one-year-old struggles to put a ring on a cone or a three-year-old tries to fit a puzzle piece into the proper spot. There are at least three ways in which play is important for young children: skill development, social development, and imagination and creativity.

Skill development
They learn to coordinate movements of their hands with what their eyes see. As young children struggle to create a desired effect with a toy, they discover that it isn’t always easy. This pushes them to utilize problem-solving skills to achieve their goal.

Social Skills
Through play, they learn how to get along with others through sharing and kindness rather than grabbing and pushing.

Imagination & Creativity
The child who pretends to be a cowboy, a mother, a firefighter, or a fairy is demonstrating some knowledge of these roles and working through his or her own ideas about all they entail. Play provides a positive outlet for children.

Play is crucial in the development of children and providing them with a safe and clean indoor alternative will ensure that no matter the weather outside, they will be able to engage in play year-round.